Tuesday, November 15, 2011


The end of Sunday's combined worship service literally stunned me.  To have a congregation gather around your family in care and blessing, to have friends invest time and effort into creating a memorable video, to hear the excitement and encouragement of heading out on Sabbatical; it was all very humbling.  With only a few more days until we officially begin I've find myself contemplating the blessings God has surrounded my life with.

Here's some brief insight into what's rolling around in my mind:

  • I've said this often but it bears repeating: the staff of Faith Reformed Church is incredible.  The genuine investment and passion they have shared with me over the past ten years has been awesome.  These are sisters and brothers in Christ who I love deeply.
  • The leadership support within the Faith Church community is inspiring.  Each member of consistory over these past ten years has truly influenced my life in so many meaningful ways.  Thank-you!
  • I love the value of being a multi-generational Church.  I am absolutely convinced this is what heaven looks like.  To listen to our children sing while the Sanctuary Choir waits patiently for their turn to share their gifts before God always brings goosebumps.  This truly is one of God's greatest gifts to all of us.
  • I'm excited that we are learning to redefine when "Church" happens.  I get to see Church every Thursday night at Vitale's with some of the most caring men I know.  I see it on Wednesday nights as tables are filled and pizza is served and surface conversations cross over into the real places of life.  Please . . . please . . . may we never stop doing these things.
  • No church is more caring or compassionate than Faith Reformed Church.  It is beauty on display to watch us care for each other.  Thanks to all those who secretly pray, send cards, or just offer a helping hand.  Although, seemingly small, it is the gospel coming to life.
  • While I'm grateful for our church family, I'm also so very thankful for my own family.  One of my repeated saying is "I married out of my league and my kids take after their mom."  It wouldn't be so hokey if it wasn't absolutely true.  Thank-you Kendra for being the most honest and authentic person I know.  You are wife extraordinaire.  Thank-you Kiley and Mark for living faithfully into the people God has created you to be.  As your father, it is an absolute riot to see you live in the sweet spots.
  • Finally, but most importantly, I am humbled by God's continued and constant grace.  I don't deserve any of this and yet I thank Him every day.  In the words of Psalm 150 "Praise Him according to his surpassing greatness."  In word: God . . . You are stunning!

1 comment:

  1. Thank YOU for leading HIS sheep in the manner you do! Enjoy your sabbatical, and please SLEEP and RELAX! It's time to be STILL and KNOW that HE is GOD!
